Does Prism cost money?
Prism is a free service that lets you track and pay your bills in one convenient app. We think it is important for you to do this without having a monthly subscription or having to pay fees when you make payments.
Is it free to make payments?
For the most part, yes. Many billers offer free payment options, but some only offer free payments when using certain options (typically payments using your bank account), and others still charge a fee for all options. In these cases, we will always show you their fees as you pay so you can make the right choice for your situation.
Why does Prism show a fee in certain cases?
Unfortunately, some billers charge fees for certain (and in some cases all) payment options. We always list the cheapest options first and also let you know if there is a cheaper option available when making a selection. In all cases, we will always show you fees as you pay so you can make an informed decision.
Some billers offer a limited number of payment options when you pay. We aim to offer you more flexibility in these cases and so Prism may offer additional options like credit and debit cards for billers that only accept bank accounts. We do charge a small fee for this convenience, but we will let you know about other cheaper options. We will always show you any fees when you pay.
Why does Prism show a fee that is different from what a biller charges?
Our information may be out of date! We support thousands of billers and some billers adjust their fees from time to time. If you see a fee that doesn't match what you expect, please let us know! Bear in mind that some billers charge different amounts for certain payment options or adjust the fee based on how much you're paying. As you can imagine, we prefer free!
How does Prism make money?
Great question! We're able to make money when you pay through Prism. Learn more.
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